Rules |
General Competition Rules
Definition of winners
Registration and reception of works
HiEnd competitions
LowEnd competitions
Other competitions
Realtime competitions
Preliminary schedule
General Competition Rules |
- Demoparty DiHalt 2024 will take place on January 5-6-7 in Nizhny Novgorod.
- The entries submitted to competitions must not have been previously published (including social networks and/or other competitions).
- If other people's materials are used as part of your entries, then you must have rights to use them.
- Remote participation in contests without personal presence at the demoparty is allowed. The authors of prize-winning works will be sent diplomas by mail.
- All entries will be subject to a preselection, during which some entries may be screened out (poor quality, violations of law and/or ethics, insults, politics, etc.). Entries that do not pass the preselection will not be shown and will not be published in the results of the demoparty and demopacks.
- All entries submitted to the competitions, after the end of the demoparty, will be distributed by the organizers of the festival without additional approval from the authors, including on WWW/DVD.
- It is desirable to have the author's video recording of the entries to control the correctness of its display on our equipment: for example, a link to YouTube / Vimeo. The video must not be made public until the end of the competition (you can use the "unlisted" option [access by link], while the link to such a video should not be publicly distributed).
- With a small number of entries, there is the possibility of combining some competitions.
- With a large number of entries, there is the possibility of separating entries into separate competitions.
- Acceptance and display of entries sent after the deadline is not guaranteed.
- The organizers reserve the right to resolve disputes on the entries unilaterally without explanation.
Definition of winners |
Winners for each of the contests are determined by the results of voting by all visitors present and online voting based on the average score.
The minimum score is 1, the maximum is 10. An empty field, or zero, is not taken into account. Online voting takes place on the website
Registration and reception of works |
- Reception and registration of entries will be completed 1 day before the start of the festival - on the evening of January 4th. Perhaps the acceptance of entries will go after, and perhaps directly at the demoparty, but this is NOT GUARANTEED.
- Registration and uploading of entries is carried out on the website
- Video files, as well as large files, must be provided to the organizers on special sites with access via a link (Google disk, etc.).
- An alternative way to accept entries is to send them to the mail If within three days you have not received confirmation of the registration of your entries, then contact the organizers.
- Do not forget to include a descriptor file (file_id.diz) in the archive with the entries, designed approximately as follows and preferably in English:
Nick/Realname: Vinnny / Vlad Vinogradov
Group: Dogma
Full name of work: Sunrise
Compo: Amiga/PC demo
Requirements: WinXP+Radeon1600+Shaders3.0
Duration (minutes): 7:28
P.S.: Demoscene forever!
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